Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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1 And I saw another mighty angel Ezekiel 1:27-28 ...I saw as it "another mighty angel" /
come down from heaven, clothed were the appearance of fire, We get the idea that although this /
with a cloud: and a rainbow was and it had brightness round is another mighty angel, that there /
upon his head, and his face was as about. As the appearance of is something special here since /
it were the sun, and his feet as the bow that is in the cloud his description is more glorious /
pillars of fire: in the day of rain,... than of most of the other angels. /
2 And he had in his hand a little Ezekiel 2:9-10 And when I looked, His power spans both land and sea /
book open: and he set his right behold, a hand was sent unto and he carries only a "little book". /
foot upon the sea, and his left me; and, lo, a roll of a book He has also provided a brief pause /
foot on the earth, was therein; in the destruction. And yet he /
3 And cried with a loud voice, as And he spread it before me; John 12:28-31 Father, glorify thy carries only a "little book". /
when a lion roareth: and when he and it was written within and name. Then came there a voice from What could be so important about /
had cried seven thunders uttered without: and there was written heaven, saying, I have both a "little book". Many scholars /
their voices. therein lamentations, and glorified it, and will glorify it propose that this symbolizes the /
4 And when the seven thunders had mourning, and woe. again. historical period of the open /
uttered their voices, I was about Daniel 12:5-9 Then I Daniel The people therefore that stood Bible. The Bible has been the /
to write: and I heard a voice from looked, and, behold, there by, and heard it, said it thund- most sold and most neglected book /
heaven saying unto me, Seal up stood other two, the one on ered: others said, An angel spake in the western civilization. /
those things which the seven this side of the bank of the to him. Behind the iron curtain for many /
thunders uttered, and write them river, and the other on that Jesus answered and said, This years it had a very high black /
not. side of the bank of the river. voice came not because of me, but market value, fortunately for /
5 And the angel which I saw stand And one said to the man for your sakes. most of that area it has recently /
upon the sea and upon the earth clothed in linen, which was Now is the judgment of this been made more freely available. /
lifted up his hand to heaven, upon the waters of the river, world: now shall the prince of this Whether or not the "little book" /
6 And sware by him that liveth How long shall it be to the world be cast out. represents the entire Bible or /
for ever and ever, who created end of these wonders? Colossians 1:16 For by him were all just the portion given to John /
heaven, and the things that there- And I heard the man clothed things created, that are in heaven, the Apostle we do not know, but we /
in are, and the earth, and the in linen, which was upon the and that are in earth, visible and are feel that it represents the /
things that therein are, and the waters of the river, when he invisible, whether they be thrones, Word of God. Most of the Word has /
sea, and the things which are held up his right hand and his or dominions, or principalities, or been made available for many cent- /
therein, that there should be time left hand unto heaven, and powers: all things were created by uries and as we are seeing, most /
no longer: sware by him that liveth for him, and for him: of the Revelations to John had /
7 But in the days of the voice of ever that it shall be a time, Romans 16:25 Now to him that is of previously been given to many /
the seventh angel, when he shall times, and a half; and when power to stablish you according to other prophets. Much of the /
begin to sound, the mystery of God he shall have accomplished to my gospel, and the preaching of Revelation is not always been well /
should be finished, as he hath scatter the power of the holy Jesus Christ, according to the understood and some scholars would /
declared to his servants the people, all these things shall revelation of the mystery, which say that it has taken nearly two /
prophets. be finished. was kept secret since the world thousand years for historical /
8 And the voice which I heard And I heard, but I understood began, events to bring a true understan- /
from heaven spake unto me again, not: then said I, O my Lord, Mark 4:11 ...Unto you is given to ing of portions. The rest which /
and said, Go and take the little what shall be the end of these know the mystery of the kingdom has not yet taken place we must /
book which is open in the hand of things? of God: but unto them that are still study under the faith and /
the angel which standeth upon the And he said, Go thy way, without, all things are done in guidance of the Lord. Not all the /
sea and upon the earth. Daniel: for the words are parables: Revelations have been given to /
9 And I went unto the angel, and closed up and sealed till the Ephesians 1:9-10 Having made known us yet as John learned when he /
said unto him, Give me the little time of the end. unto us the mystery of his will, tried to write down the words of /
book. And he said unto me, Take it, Isaiah 42:4-5 He shall not fail according to his good pleasure the seven thunders. Also some of /
and eat it up; and it shall make nor be discouraged, till he which he hath purposed in him- the words appear bitter to the /
thy belly bitter, but it shall be have set judgment in the self: stomach as John found out. Such /
in thy mouth sweet as honey. earth: and the isles shall That in the dispensation of the an example could be the many woes /
10 And I took the little book out wait for his law. fullness of times he might gather and destructions that we have just /
of the angel's hand, and ate it up; Thus saith God the Lord, he together in one all things in studied. To many these will be too /
and it was in my mouth sweet as that created the heavens, and Christ, both which are in heaven, strong for the stomach and even /
honey: and as soon as I had eaten stretched them out; he that and which are on earth; even to many believers will question why /
it, my belly was bitter. spread forth the earth, and him. such is necessary. But it was /
11 And he said unto me, Thou must that which cometh out of it; Luke 24:47 And the repentance and John's job and the job of all other /
prophesy again before many peoples, he that giveth breath unto the remission of sins should be believers to see that the Word is /
and nations, and tongues, and people upon it, and the spirit preached in his name among all passed to all the nations, for the /
kings. to them that walk therein: nations, beginning at Jerusalem. time is approaching when the books /
Ezekiel 3:2-3 So I opened my will be closed and the time for /
mouth, and he caused me to eat repentance will come to an end, /
that roll. "there should be time no longer". /
And he said unto me, Son of To all believers has been given /
man, cause thy belly to eat, the commandment to witness to all /
and fill thy bowels with this the world and much has been done /
roll that I give thee. Then by a dedicated and faithful few, /
did I eat it; and it was in but much more is required by the /
my mouth as honey for sweet- many who have done so little! /
ness. /
Jeremiah 1:9-10 Then the Lord /
put forth his hand, and /
touched my mouth, And the Lord /
said unto me, Behold I have /
put my words in thy mouth. /
See, I have this day set thee /
over the nations and over the /
kingdoms, to root out, and to /
pull down, and to destroy, and /
to throw down, to build, and /
to plant. /
1 And there was given me a reed Ezekiel 40:3 And he brought me Luke 21:22-24&26 For these be the "measure the temple" /
like unto a rod: and the angel thither, and, behold, there days of vengeance, that all things We know of only two locations /
stood, saying, Rise, and measure was a man, whose appearance which are written may be fulfilled. for a true temple of God, the /
the temple of God, and the altar, was like the appearance of But woe unto them that are with one in heaven and the one on /
and them that worship therein. brass, with a line of flax in child, and to them that give suck, earth located in Jerusalem. /
2 But the court which is without his hand, and a measuring in those days! for there will be a And from verse 8 where it says /
the temple leave out, and measure reed; and he stood in the great distress in the land, and "where also our Lord was /
it not; for it is given unto the gate. wrath upon this people. crucified" we are assured that /
Gentiles: and the holy city shall Isaiah 63:18 The people of thy And they shall fall by the edge the events of chapter 11 take /
they tread under foot forty and holiness have possessed it but of the sword, and shall be led place in Jerusalem. John takes /
two months. a little while: our advers- away captive into all nations: measure of the temple and those /
3 And I will give power unto my aries have trodden down thy and Jerusalem shall be trodden that worship therein. But the /
two witnesses, and they shall sanctuary. down of the Gentiles, until the court outside of the temple is /
prophesy a thousand two hundred Zechariah 4:2-3,10-12 What seest times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. occupied by the Gentiles. Could /
and threescore days, clothed in thou? And I said, I have Men's hearts failing them for this be the location of the Dome /
sackcloth. looked, and behold a candle- fear, and for looking after those of the Rock Mosque, many scholars /
4 These are the two olive trees, stick all of gold, with a bowl things which are coming on the propose this. The burning desire /
and the two candlesticks standing upon the top of it, and his earth: for the powers of heaven of the orthodox Jew is to rebuild /
before the God of the earth. seven lamps thereon, and seven shall be shaken. the temple in Jerusalem, and many /
pipes to the seven lamps, scholars use these passages as /
which are upon the top thereof: evidences that they will accomp- /
And two olive trees by it, lish their goal in the near /
one upon the right side of the future and prior to the end time /
bowl, and the other upon the happenings. /
left side thereof. /
...with those seven; they are "two witnesses" /
the eyes of the Lord, which run As we earlier noted, there is /
to and fro through the whole still available time for repent- /
earth. ance and the two witnesses are /
Then answered I, and said unto sent to earth to present yet /
him, What be these two olive another chance for this to happen /
branches which through the two for many men. The Gentiles still /
golden pipes empty the golden have control of the holy city, /
oil out of themselves? ... Jerusalem, and they do not kindly /
These are the two anointed receive the two witnesses, /
ones that stand by the Lord of "because these two prophets tor- /
the whole earth. mented them". Of course there has /
5 And if any man will hurt them, Jeremiah 5:14 ... Because ye Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you been much speculation as to the /
fire proceedeth out of their mouth, speak this word, behold, I power to tread on serpents and identities of the two witnesses or /
and devoureth their enemies: and if will make my words in thy mouth scorpions, and over all power of prophets! Those that believe in the /
any man will hurt them, he must in fire, and this people wood, and the enemy; and nothing shall by historical interpretation of the /
this manner be killed. it shall devour them. any means hurt you. Revelations might propose the old /
6 These have power to shut heaven, I Kings 17:1 And Elijah the James 5:17-18 Elijah was a man subject and new testaments of the written /
that it rain not in the days of Tishbite, who was of the inhab- to like passions as we are, and he Bible, or the Bible and the church. /
their prophecy: and have power over itants of Gilead, said unto prayed earnestly that it might not But since the place is definitely /
waters to turn them to blood, and Ahab, As the Lord God of Israel rain: and it rained not on the indicated and the implication that /
to smite the earth with all liveth, before whom I stand, earth by the space of three years they are two actual individuals is /
plagues, as often as they will. there shall not be dew nor rain and six months. very strong, many scholars would /
these years, but according to And he prayed again, and the name the two most prominent of the /
my word. heaven gave rain, and the earth Apostles, Peter and John. Others /
Malachi 4:5-6 Behold, I will send brought forth her fruit. will propose Enoch and Elijah since /
Elijah the prophet before the Matthew 17:3 And, behold, there they have not yet experienced /
coming of the great and dread- appeared unto them Moses and Elijah earthly death. But a slight edge is /
ful day of the Lord: talking with him. given to Elijah and Moses since the /
And he shall turn the heart of power to stop rain and smite the /
the fathers to the children, earth with plagues are most closely /
and the heart of the children associated with these two great /
to their fathers, ... prophets. Also they are known to /
Exodus 7:19 And the Lord spake have a special place in heaven since /
unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, they appeared with Jesus while on /
Take thy rod, and stretch out earth. But let us not get so /
thine hand upon the waters of wrapped up in the question of who /
Egypt, upon their streams, they are that we lose sight of the /
upon their rivers, and upon message. The witness of the two /
their ponds, and upon all prophets is so strong that the /
their pools of water, that peoples of all nations are tor- /
they may become blood; and that mented by them. They demonstrate /
there may be blood throughout powers that cannot be easily /
all the land of Egypt, both ignored. Such is the hatred of /
in vessels of wood, and in the people towards these two that /
vessels of stone. their death will be the cause of /
7 And when they shall have Daniel 7:21-22 I beheld, and the a short lived festival of rejoic- /
finished their testimony, the beast same horn made war with the ing and gift giving. After 1260 /
that ascendeth out of the bottom- saints and prevailed against days of witnessing they mirror /
less pit shall make war against them; the testimony of our Lord with a /
them, and shall overcome them, and Until the Ancient of days death and resurrection. But fort- /
kill them. came, and judgment was given unately in this case their death /
to the saints of the Most High; and witnessing is not in vain, we /
and the time came that the have studied many woes that have /
saints possessed the kingdom. produced no positive results, /
8 And their dead bodies shall lie Isaiah 1:9 Except the Lord of John 19:14-15 And it was the prepar- happily we read "the remnant were /
in the street of the great city, hosts had left unto us a very ation of the passover, and about affrighted and gave glory to the /
which spiritually is called Sodom small remnant, we should have the sixth hour: and he saith unto God of heaven". /
and Egypt, where also our Lord as Sodom, and we should have Jews, Behold your King! /
was crucified. like unto Gomorrah. But they cried out, Away with "the seventh angel sounded" /
9 And they of the people and kin- him, away with him, crucify him. With the sounding we have a pause /
dreds and tongues and nations I Corinthians 5:7 ...For even Christ for more rejoicing as the voices /
shall see their dead bodies three our passover is sacrificed for us: of heaven celebrate. This is not /
days and a half, and shall not an ordinary celebration, it is as /
suffer their dead bodies to be though the curtain is to come up /
put in graves. on the very last act. "thy wrath /
10 And they that dwell upon the James 4:16 But now ye rejoice in is come, and the time of the dead, /
earth shall rejoice over them, and your boastings: all such rejoicing that they should be judged," is /
make merry, and shall send gifts is evil. the final event prior to the new /
one to another; because these two Acts 7:51-53 Ye stiffnecked and heavens and the new earth. /
prophets tormented them that dwelt uncircumcised in heart and ears, /
on the earth. ye do always resist the Holy "the temple of God was opened in /
11 And after three days and a half Ezekiel 37:5 Thus saith the Lord Ghost: as your fathers did, so heaven, and there was seen in his /
the Spirit of life from God entered God unto these bones; Behold, do ye. temple the ark of his testament" /
into them, and they stood upon I will cause breath to enter Which of the prophets have not John was shown the most inner /
their feet; and great fear fell into you, and ye shall live: your fathers persecuted? and they Holy Place of the temple of /
upon them which saw them. have slain them which showed heaven. The ark of his testament /
12 And they heard a great voice II Kings 2:11 And it came to before of the coming of the Just or the ark of the covenant has /
from heaven saying unto them, Come pass as they still went on, One; of whom ye have been now been missing from off the face of /
up hither. And they ascended up to and talked, that, behold the betrayers and murderers: the earth for many centuries. The /
heaven in a cloud; and their there appeared a chariot of Who have received the law by the last record of location of the ark /
enemies beheld them. fire, and horses of fire, and disposition of angels, and have of the covenant was in approximat- /
13 And the same hour was there a parted them both asunder; and not kept it. ely 642 BC when it was returned to /
great earthquake, and the tenth Elijah went up by a whirlwind the earthly temple of Solomon (see /
part of the city fell, and in the into heaven. II Chronicles 35:3). The ark of /
earthquake were slain of men seven Psalms 22:26-28 The meek shall Romans 9:27-28 ...a remnant shall the covenant was not listed as /
thousand: and the remnant were eat and be satisfied: they be saved: being taken into captivity to /
affrighted, and gave glory to the shall praise the Lord that For he will finish the work, Babylon, nor was any mention made /
God of heaven. seek him: your heart shall and cut short in righteousness: of it being in the later temple. /
14 The second woe is past; and, live for ever. because a short work will the This is no small matter since the /
behold, the third woe cometh All the ends of the world Lord make upon the earth. ark of the testament was the /
quickly. shall remember and turn unto central and only feature of the /
15 And the seventh angel sounded; the Lord: and all the kindreds I Timothy 6:14-16 That thou keep most Holy place. The prophet /
and there were great voices in of the nations shall worship this commandment without spot, Jeremiah provided us with a record /
heaven, saying, The kingdoms of before thee. unrebukable, until the appearing of the significance of its missing. /
this world are become the kingdoms For the kingdom is the Lord's: of our Lord Jesus Christ: Jeremiah 3:16-17 "And it shall come to /
of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he is the governor among Which in his times he shall pass, when ye be multiplied and /
and he shall reign for ever and the nations. show, who is the blessed and only increased in the land, in those /
ever. Daniel 7:14 And there was given Potentate, the King of kings, and days, saith the Lord, they shall /
16 And the four and twenty elders, him dominion, and glory, and Lord of lords; say no more, The ark of the /
which sat before God on their a kingdom, that all people, Who only hath immortality, dwell- covenant of the Lord, neither /
seats, fell upon their faces, and nations, and languages, should ing in light which no man can shall it come to mind: neither /
worshipped God, serve him: his dominion is an approach unto; whom no man hath shall they remember it; neither /
17 Saying, We give thee thanks, everlasting dominion, which seen, nor can see: to whom be shall they visit it; neither /
O Lord God Almighty, which art, shall not pass away, and his honour and power everlasting. Amen. shall that be done any more. /
and wast, and art to come; because kingdom that which shall not Matthew 16:27 For the son of man At that time they shall call /
thou hast taken to thee thy great be destroyed. shall come in the glory of his Jerusalem the throne of the Lord; /
power, and hast reigned. Micah 4:7 And I will make her Father with his angels; and then and all the nations shall be /
18 And the nations were angry, that halted a remenant, and he shall reward every man accor- gathered unto it, to the name of /
and thy wrath is come, and the time her that was cast far off a ding to his works. the Lord, to Jerusalem: neither /
of the dead, that they should be strong nation: and the Lord II Peter 2:9 The Lord knoweth how to shall they walk no more after the /
judged, and that thou shouldest shall reign over them in mount deliver the godly out of temptat- imagination of their evil heart." /
give reward unto thy servants the Zion from henceforth, even for ions, and to reserve the unjust We have gotten a little ahead of /
prophets, and to the saints, and ever. unto the day of judgement to be of ourselves since this is the /
them that fear thy name, small and Psalms 2:1-2 Why do the heathen punished: situation of Revelation 21 in /
great; and shouldest destroy them rage and the people imagine a Hebrews 9:11-12&15 But Christ being which " I saw no temple therein: /
which destroy the earth. vain thing? come a high priest of good things for the Lord God Almighty and /
19 And the temple of God was opened The kings of the earth set to come, by a greater and more the Lamb are the temple of it." /
in heaven, and there was seen in themselves, and the rulers take perfect tabernacle, not made The fact that the heavenly /
his temple the ark of his testa- counsel together, against the with hands, that is to say, not temple still exists, with the ark /
ment: and there were lightnings, Lord, and against his Anointed, of this building. inside the most Holy Place, and /
and voices, and thunderings, and I Kings 8:3-4 And all the elders Neither the blood of goats and that the doors are opened is in /
an earthquake, and great hail. of Israel came, and the priests calves, but by his own blood he preparation for the Lamb to enter /
took up the Ark. entered in once into the holy and take his place on the Mercy /
And they brought up the ark place having obtained eternal seat and pronounce the final /
of the Lord, and the tabernacle redemption for us. judgements of mankind. The /
of the congregation, and all And for this cause he is the curtain is indeed ready to open /
the holy vessels that were in mediator of the new testament,... on the final scene. /
the tabernacle, even those did /
the priests and the Levites /
bring up. /
Matters of Contention: Many scholars have proposed that the "mighty angel" "forty and two months", "a time, and times, and half a time", /
is none other than Jesus Christ. They point out that the "a thousand two hundred and threescore days" /
magnificent description of this angel is such as to be more We are introduced to the time period of 1260 days which is /
descriptive of the Son of God himself. But yet it states obviously of great significance since it appears numerous times /
"another mighty angel". Angels who receive their power from in chapters eleven, twelve and thirteen. Is it an actual literal /
the Almighty are indeed glorious, powerful and mighty creatures. 1260 days or 1260 years? Obviously scholars differ on this! Are /
If the earth and sea are symbolic of Israel and the Gentiles, they all the same 1260 day period, two consecutive 1260 day periods, /
this angel has power and judgment ("feet as pillars of fire") or are they all different periods, possibly overlapping periods? /
over all that live on the earth. The justification for this being two consecutive 1260 day periods /
Let us also mention that not all scholars agree that comes from interpretation of Daniel 9:27 "And he shall confirm /
that the "two witnesses" are well known prophets of old. the covenant for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall /
Instead many propose that these will be two outstanding cause the sacrifice to cease,". A biblical one week or seven years, /
witnesses of those living at the time out of many witnesses, according to many scholars is 7 times 360, or 2520 days, or two 1260 /
possibly even two of the 144,000 who were sealed and are still day periods consecutively. /
on earth. Possibly this is one area where scholars should just admit that /
they really don't know and wait until the end times and the revealing /
of these mysterious time periods. Is the timing all that important? /